Install Windows XP on Your Pre-Installed Windows Vista Computer

I've deleated this post bcoz I've published the content from without noticing the copyright ontheir page and without asking permission from them

So I appolgies for the work I've done

you can watch the contents of this post in following link

This useful article was taken from How to I recommend you to visit their website for many useful informations, tips, tricks and many more.


  1. What makes you think you can steal articles from people when they have a copyright notice?

  2. I've deleated this post bcoz I've published the content from without noticing the copyright ontheir page and without asking permission from them

    So I appolgies for the work I've done

  3. Thanks for the quick response. No hard feelings.

  4. This entire site is dedicated to forms of hacking, surely it follows that copyrights are going to be infringed. So why is the previous poster getting annoyed when extracts are taken from another hacking site and posted here? What a hypocritical knob he is!

    Get your deleted post back up Venkatesh and ignore that tosser, don’t be such a whimp!
